
21.10.2024 /14:30:00
KALENDER-Termine Konjunktur/Geldpolitik am Dienstag, 22. Oktober


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Alle Zeitangaben in Central European Time?(CET)

00:40 - San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Daly participates in moderated Q&A at WSJ event - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly participates in a moderated question-and-answer session at the 2024 Wall Street Journal Tech Live, in Laguna Beach, Calif.

08:00 - United Kingdom-Car sales

08:00 - UK borrowing data to show scale of budget challenge for Reeves - The last set of official borrowing figures before finance minister Rachel Reeves' budget are likely to underscore the challenge she faces to meet her plan to increase spending while also sticking to her target of getting day-to-day spending into balance.

11:20 - ECB 7-day liquidity operation allotment - The European Central Bank announces the amount allotted in its 7-day liquidity-providing operation

13:30 - ECB?s McCaul speaks at tech event - European Central Bank supervisor Elizabeth McCaul speaks at an event about network secuity organised by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zurich.

15:00 - ECB publishes weekly bond purchase and balance sheet data

15:00 - ECB's Centeno speaks at the Peterson Institute

15:05 - ECB's Knot speaks

15:15 - Bundesbankchief Nagel speaks at Harvard-Universität "Dot plots for the Eurosystem?"

15:15 - Bank of England MPC member Megan Greene speaks at Atlantic Council in Washington

15:25 - Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey speaks at financial regulation event hosted in New York by Bloomberg

15:45 - ECB's Holzmann speaks

16:00 - ECB President Lagarde speaks

16:00 - Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank President Harker speaks on Fintech - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker speaks on "Fintech" before the Eighth Annual Fintech Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (through Oct. 23).

17:00 - ECB?s Lane speaks at central banking event - European Central Bank chief economist Philip Lane takes part in a fireside chat at Central Banking Seminar of Federal Reserve Bank of New York

19:00 - ECB's Villeroy speaks

20:00 - ECB's Rehn speaks

21:15 - Bank of England Deputy Governor Sarah Breeden speaks at IMF/G20 event in Washington

22:00 - ECB?s Lane speaks at Columbia University seminar - European Central Bank chief economist Philip Lane gives a speech at a seminar organised by Columbia University.

Hinsichtlich weiterer Informationen und einer gegebenenfalls erforderlichen Offenlegung potenzieller Interessenkonflikte nach § 85 WpHG der für die Erstellung der zugrunde liegenden Finanzinformationen oder Analysen verantwortlichen Unternehmen wird auf das Informationsangebot dieser Unternehmen (Internetseite und andere Informationskanäle) verwiesen.