
17.09.2024 /05:30:00
KALENDER-Termine Konjunktur/Geldpolitik am Dienstag, 17. September


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Alle Zeitangaben in Central European Time?(CET)

French central bank updates its quarterly economic outlook

09:00 - EU Commission head to discuss lineup of new Commission with European Parliament leaders - President of the Commission von der Leyen will discuss with the suggested structure and portfolios of the college of Commissioners with Parliament?s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups? leaders). This meeting will pave the way for opening the evaluation process, including the confirmation hearings, once Parliament receives all the necessary documentation.

09:30 - ECB bank supervisors Buch and Elderson speak - Opening remarks by Ms Buch at Supervisory Culture Conference organised by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt followed by a panel participation by ECB board member Frank Elderson.

11:00 - ZEW Institute publishes German investor morale index - ZEW economic research institute publishes German investor morale index

11:20 - ECB 7-day liquidity operation allotment - The European Central Bank announces the amount allotted in its 7-day liquidity-providing operation

12:00 - US bank regulators meet to set merger policy, float third-party account rules - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will hold a board meeting Tuesday to finalize its policy statement on bank mergers, as well as propose new rules for how banks should monitor depository accounts facilitated by third parties like fintechs.

14:30 - United States-Retail Sales

15:00 - ECB publishes weekly bond purchase and balance sheet data

15:15 - United States-Industrial production

16:00 - (PRE-RECORDED) Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Logan gives welcome remarks

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