
17.09.2024 /05:30:00
KALENDER-Termine Politik/Vermischtes am Dienstag, 17. September


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Alle Zeitangaben in Central European Time?(CET)

German foreign minister travels to Moldova - German foreign minister Baerbock travels to Moldova to attend the Moldova Partnership Platform

German chancellor Scholz travels to Uzbekistan and Kazakhztan

09:00 - EU Commission head to discuss lineup of new Commission with European Parliament leaders - President of the Commission von der Leyen will discuss with the suggested structure and portfolios of the college of Commissioners with Parliament?s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups? leaders). This meeting will pave the way for opening the evaluation process, including the confirmation hearings, once Parliament receives all the necessary documentation.

09:30 - Germany?s finance, economy ministers attend startups event - German Economy Minister Robert Habeck and Finance Minister Christian Lindner speak at a summit event for startups.

13:30 - German interior minister receives colleagues from Western Balkan and other European countries - German interior minister Faeser receives colleagues from Western Balkan countries within the "Berlin Process", topics are migration, organized crime Participants: Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, UK plus the western Balkan countries ? 13:50: Doorstep Faeser 14:00: Start of conference 18:00: Statement Faeser

13:30 - Draghi presents his ideas to improve EU competitiveness to European Parliament - Former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi presents his report on the future of European competitiveness to EU lawmakers, followed by a debate on the topic

14:00 - German Defence Minister Pistorius gives statement after visit to airborne brigade in Saarlouis - German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius visits the airborne brigade in Saarlouis

15:00 - Arnold Schwarzenegger receives honorary doctorate in Berlin - Actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger receives an honorary doctorate from the Hertie School in Berlin and gives a keynote speech. German Economy Minister Robert Habeck will also give an honorary speech.

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