
19.09.2024 /05:30:00
KALENDER-Termine Firmen/Märkte am Donnerstag, 19. September


Weitere ausführliche Terminübersichten erhalten Sie unter:

09:00 - 24. Deutscher Energierechtstag

Legal and energy experts will talk about the prospects of the German energy transition. Among them will be the president of the German Cartell Office, Andreas Mundt, EWE-CEO Stefan Dohler and?the chief of the lobby organisation BDEW, Kerstin Andreae.

09:30 - EU top court rules on whether can restrict hotels from offering lower rates on their sites and third-party platforms

Europe?s top court rules on whether Booking?s restrictions against hotels offering lower rates on their website or on third party sites than those on Booking's site are anti-competitive. Germany?s antitrust watchdog has already banned such clauses while EU regulators allow such curbs lower only for hotels? own sites

18:00 - Murdoch trial to determine fate of media empire continues in Nevada

A secret court battle of succession and control of media mogul Rupert Murdoch?s empire continues in Nevada that could determine the fate of Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

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